It took me 8 years….

But..I did it.

I mastered the yoga headstand (Shirshasana).

 nikita sheth

I finally released this deep-seeded fear of ‘falling’ and just let go…I cleared my mind, removed the mental pressure of having to do it successfully and just let my feet float upwards.

I was SO happy. I couldn’t stop smiling. I have been wanting to do this for years.

I love the sensation that arises from being upside down. Reversing the flow of gravity, I love the feeling of fresh blood running to my head. It is a weird pulsating feeling….but eases as you relax and breath deeply into it.

When I got home, before hopping into the shower, I wanted to prove to myself that I could replicate the headstand outside the yoga studio.

I positioned myself and carefully rose my legs..I did it again!!!


I completely lost my balance, did a flip and put my foot through my wardrobe door – before I had a chance to register what had happened, the door hit me on the back of my head. I lay there, half naked, face flat on the floor… my head throbbing. And then without even thinking, I just started to laugh, hysterically. By myself. At myself. Sometimes, I honestly don’t know how I end up in these ridiculous situations.

My wardrobe is now missing a door – from one side it now looks like a clothes rack and from the other side a wardrobe. Don’t believe me? Think I made this story up? I wish…


wardrobe broken

It prompted me to start thinking about clothing racks. There seems to be a reemergence of aesthetically pleasing clothing racks popping up of late. Gone are the days were they are an eyesore reserved for the dressing rooms of fashion shows and dance recitals. Surprisingly these simple constructed frames can introduce a whole new dimension to a space. If used well, they can almost become a focal point, adding in colour, texture and form. Although….it does help to have lovely designer clothes to display (I somehow don’t think my boho-chic mumu’s won’t look as ‘cool’ when hung).

I am moving into a new house next week and I have decided to dispose of what is left of my ‘wardrobe’ and replace it with a a new clothes rack…after doing a bit of a website surfing, I am quite inspired and excited to get one!

wooden clothes rack
Raw wood clothes rack…feel like another DIY project coming on…
(Image via Pinterest)
clothes rack
(Image via Sequin & Sweets)
clothes rack
I really want one of these….especially with the bottom plank to house all my Habitus magazines
(Image via Pinterest)
wooden clothes rack
(Image via Sorakeem)
clothes rack
(Image via Imgfave)
wooden rack
Amazing clothes rack stylin’…
(Image via Etsy)
wooden clothes rack
(Image via Decordots)
clothes rack
A metal pipe clothes rack…my dream…
(Image via Lauren Conrad)
OK, I actually have to go now and start packing up my room…and then going to yoga! Headstand here I come…
Have a great week!
N x

For reasons, (that I am not going to get into)…I have embarked on a Dude Detox / Man Ban/ Men Zen.


It is day 22…


Anyways, the purpose of this whole ‘exercise’ is to spend time focusing on being the best person I can possibly be (i know it sounds a little cheesy…) but I believe that we can sometimes get so wrapped up in our daily routine that we often forget to ‘slow down’ and spend a bit of time looking inward and alone.


I am using this time to really do things I enjoy and not worry about what the future may or may not hold. In just 22 days I have visited an art events (Sydney Contemporary & Art Up Late 10th Anniversary), visited a museum, spent a whole afternoon in a bookstore café by myself just reading/writing/drinking coffee, gone on a bushwalk with my parents, attended a nude drawing class, swam countless laps (whilst getting 4 shades darker), attended numerous yoga classes, watched a foreign film, went to a hipster ‘soup party’, made 4 new friends and have re-connected with old friends…


However, I believe the best part that has arisen from this whole ‘dude detox’ is my discovery of the Achillies Running Group. It is a fantastic group which I am now proudly a member of!


Every Sunday morning (at 8am…a killer!) I now go running with visually-impaired individuals around The Domain & Centennial Park. Ok, so I am not going to lie….it has been a MASSIVE personal challenge. I was born with the ‘directional’ segment of my brain missing. I honestly can’t tell my left from my right. It is not a joke.  wish it was. I even repeated Year 1. The only way I can tell is from a small freckle on my left hand. This does not always work. At 3am after a big night out…. this ‘freckle’ becomes a little hazy (I apologise to ALL the Sydney taxi drivers who have driven around in circles….).


I really do need to improve my directional abilities as I nearly ran my visually-impaired friend into a tree last week. Luckily she had an amazing sense of humour…..I on the other hand was mortified.. (I am now spontaneously ‘pop-quizzing’ myself every day; ‘Point left….Quick, turn right..”. I Do it waiting for my morning coffee. I do when driving my car. Practise makes perfect…right?!


Spending time with the members of Achillies, has made me realise how our culture is so visually dependent. We rely on our vision so heavily, that sometimes we ‘forget’ we have 4 other wonderful senses.


Each Sunday I am paired with a different visually-impaired friend. Each with their own story and experiences. It has honestly opened up my world. I am almost a little envious – they experience the world so differently…in a way people with full-sight will never understand. I just feel so lucky to be a part of this group so atleast I can get a glimpse into a world without sight.

Just this morning one of the members told me; “Nikita, it is so great being blind – my electric bill will always be lower than yours and every time I go on a date the girl is a 10/10”.

Who needs man-dates when I can have multiple (amazing) blind dates each Sunday morning?


My job working at an Architecture & Design publishing firm is centred around the visual. What is the colour scheme of the space? Are all the pieces of furniture compositionally-balanced? Is the lighting to harsh? It seems that we neglect our other senses in favour of sight.

We should also be asking; How did the space filter sounds? What did the texture of the finishes on the wall feel like? Did the openness of the space make you feel a certain way?


However, spaces have so much to offer our other senses. Weshould really be making a conscious effort to invite all our senses to experience a space to endeavour to have a ‘holistic’ experience.

Since volunteering at Achillies, I have definitely become more conscious of sound. I know this is a little strange, but the other day I even tried to have a shower with my eyes closed. It was a huge struggle….I ended up getting shampoo in my eyes and then burning myself with the hot water. But after I relaxed a little I began to experience the shower like I never ad before. I focused on the sound of the water to gauge it’s pressure. I focused on the feel of the water. I also focused on the sound of my beautiful voice singing “Can’t Hurry Love” (Jokes! Ok, maybe not joking…something has to get me through dude detox!). It was a real eye-opening experience (excuse, the pun!). You should give it a try….


Architectural acoustics contribute significantly to the enjoyment and function of a space. For example a hospital or university lecture theatre require sound to be absorbed, whilst a concert hall needs to be designed to accentuate the characteristics of the music or actors voices. In the workplace, unwanted noise can interfere with privacy, concentration and productivity. Acoustic panelling is an important feature of many building spaces. Acoustic Panels help control or eliminate sound waves from bouncing off hard surfaces. See below for a round up of some aesthetically pleasing and well-designed acoustic panels.

acoustic panel

(Image via Formnation)

acoustic panel

Origami-inspired acoustic ceiling panels…gorgeous!

(Image via Designboom) 

acoustic panel

I love the texture and shapes of these panels.

(Image NoShapeNoShade) 

acoustic panel

(Image via Co Design)

acoustic panel

Meeting Space by Richard Shed Studio. So cute!

(Image via Yatzer)

acoustic panel

Hexagonal acoustic panels – a great way to add colour into a space.

(Image via Pinterest)

acoustic panel

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acoustic panel

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acoustic panel

(Image via Bertrand Grimont)

acoustic panel

Hoshakuii Station

(Image via Architonic)

acoustic panel

Gorgeous lines!

(Image via Designboom)

OK, I’m off to cook some dinner!

Happy Sunday NIght.

N x

I have a problem.

I just love objects that have been ‘kicked to the curb’.

I went through a stage where I couldn’t go for a walk without coming home with a pre-loved item that had been sitting on the curb.

It was when I lived back home with mum & dad. Admittedly, bought home some pretty weird items – A family portrait (of some stranger’s family)….It had a nice frame! The inside of an old television…I wanted to transform it into a cool installation art piece. A wooden shipping palette…I wanted to create a table. Sadly, none of these ‘creative aspirations’ ever came into fruition. Instead, I was just yelled at; “Nix, if you bring one more piece of junk inside this house…..we are kicking you to the curb”. Ouch.

Over the years, I have learnt to control my urge. I can’t really explain why…. but I am drawn to pre-loved sofas, cabinets, shelves etc which are kicked to the curb. I almost feel sorry for them. They were once so loved…a part of the interior. Now, they have now been deemed ‘useless’. Either waiting for the council clean up…or for someone else to rescue them. Seeing abandoned household furniture and objects, are a catalyst for my mind to embark on some bizarre imaginative journey; Who sat on that couch? What items have been stored in those drawers? What was watched on that TV?

It’s just like an informal sidewalk orphanage. You will never know the exact history of pre-loved object, but sometimes you just have a ‘connection’ with an object and learn to love it, like it has always been you own.

Ok, I know….I probably sound like a crazy person.

Yesterday as I was walking up the street….I spotted a gorgeous wire planter.  I have been wanting one for ages. It was definitely a sign. It looked so cute and lonely…just chillin’ out on the curb. Waiting to get picked up by an old council truck. I couldn’t handle the thought of this little planter being landfill.


nikita sheth

So….I rescued it. Next weekend, I am going to give it the ultimate makeover. I will spray it either gold or black…from CURB to SUPERB!!!

In the 1970s indoor plants were all the rage and in recent times they have definitely made a comeback.  Indoor plants needs to be used appropriately, otherwise they can literally transform your interior space into a scene reminiscent of Fern Gully on the Jungle Book. It is important to keep it simple and not crowd the space too much. Interesting shape leaves teamed with a cute pot is the perfect way to freshen up a lifeless space (plus having indoor plants is apparently very healthy!).

Check out some of these cute planters below…

indoor plant

(Image via Fab)

indoor planter

(Image via


indoor planter

(Image via Homed It)


(Image via Nitzan Cohen)(

indoor plant

(Image via Pinterest)


indoor plant

(Image via Liz Marie) 


indoor plant

(Image via Etsy)


indoor plant

(Image via Etsy)

I am SO excited to give my little orphan wire planter a make over…and then buy a plant to fill him with!

Happy Sunday night!

N x

It has happened five times in the past 3 weeks. No exaggeration.

Two iphone screens. Two mugs. One antique bottle (which I bought from NYC).

Glass seems to be breaking all around me.

I know I am clumsy. But this feels like a joke. I am starting to wonder whether I am carrying around some bad ju-ju vibes or something.

The theme of glass re-emerged on Wednesday night. But this time in a more positive way. I had a dinner date with my grandfather (Papaji). He was to ‘fit me into his packed social schedule. He is actually the coolest (to find out why – read this) 

I love the predictability of going to Papaji’s house for dinner  – A glass of red, a vegetarian Indian meal, bailey’s ice-cream/strawberries & cream for dessert. In that order. Always.

However, after dinner this week instead of immediately tucking into dessert, he started showing me ‘objects’ and some of my grandmother’s things he had found after she passed away. One of which was a gorgeous blue glass vase….

It had the most beautiful story behind how it had come into his hands (see below) (NB:- Aaji what I called my grandmother):

nikita sheth email

I have a fascination with coloured glass vessels. I have decided to start a collection. I purchased two (one broke) in NYC from the most remarkable man. In a nutshell, Scott Jordan grew up on Long Island. As a bored kid, his dad made him a sieve and he spent is afternoons and weekends ‘digging up treasure’. After finishing school he followed his passion and became an Archaeologist. He spends his time transforming discards of New York City into artifact art. Read More Here (

nikita sheth

Each of his items comes with a handwritten card outlining where the piece was found & the time period it came from.

I love the ethereal nature of glass. The transparency. The buoyant quality. The simultaneous reflection and absorption of light. I have decided to be very discerning with my glass vessel collection. Each piece must have an engaging ‘story’ – whether it be the process of which it was created, a past owner to the historical context in which it derived.

Have a look at the images below…they are my point of inspiration for my ‘collection’….


(Image via


(Image via

glass collection

(Image via Vmburkhadt) 

glass collection

(Image via Hannah Roberts)

glass collection

(Image via The Great Gracie) 

glass collection

(Image via

glass collection

(Image via Herebewitches)


Hope you have a great Sunday Night.

N x

Everyday. For 6 months. Always at 4pm. In my final year of school….

I bought a pink icing finger bun on the way home (it HAD to be the one with pink icing). It was a stressful year as I was intensely studying for the HSC exams (yes, I was…and still am a total nerd).

But…the routine of buying and consuming a pink finger bun on Turramurra Station offered me total emotional comfort. Forget meditation. Forget deep breathing. To this day, I am a strong advocate for Pink finger buns…they reduce stress like nothing else.

I even encouraged a friend of mine to join the ‘finger bun’ band-wagon and we called ourselves the ‘Fatty Finger Bun Sistas’. I loved the way the baker at Bakers Delight would keep two finger buns aside for us (to ensure we didn’t miss out on our ‘hit’)….

finger bun

In hindsight, it was probably not the best choice in terms of nutritional value.  Between my Coles Home-brand fruit cake addiction (I’ll save that story for another post) and pink finger buns obsession, I put on A LOT of weight. I was a little too old for my extra weight to be passed off as baby-fat and I had always been a ‘gangly’ Indian kid…so the ‘big-boned’ justification also didn’t work….(Don’t believe me?! Just check out my End of Yr 12 dinner photos – I have more rolls than Baker’s Delight).

This gluttonous stage of my life continues to haunt me today. Whenever I catch a glimpse of a pastel pink colour…I suddenly get hungry and crave a pink finger bun. It is like my brain has been wired to create an innate association. I just start salivating whenever I see a certain shade of pink….

When it comes to colour preference, whether it be fashion, art or interior accessories I always tend to lean towards bold and vibrant colours. For me, pastels just seem a little uninteresting and uninspiring. (FYI – Pastels are just an unsaturated version of any color, the lighter and sweeter version!). However, pastels are making a come back in the world of interior design. And after some research….I have definitely changed my view on the pastel colour scheme.

Pastels can be soothing, calming and can even give off a subtle glow. Whilst they are mostly considered as quite ‘feminine’, when combined with wood they can be used as a colour scheme to create a very striking and strong space. I believe they especially work well within a Scandinavian design style – they can freshen up a space and accentuate the light to create an airy space.

Here is a round up of some great uses of a pastel colour scheme..


pastel design


(Image via



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interior design



(Image via Hege In France) 

interior design


(Image via Interior Originals) 

pastel interior


(Image via dis-vague) 

interior design



(Image via Vonderhue)

interior pastel

(Image via Sigrid Stromgen) 




OK, now I am craving a finger bun…no guesses, where I am going before work tomorrow morning?! (Baker’s Delight!).


Happy Sunday Night!

N x



















My neighbours above can see right into our kitchen.

We usually just have friendly neighbour ‘banter’ from our back garden when they are sitting on their balcony.

…but last week things escalated.

The neighbours (4 Canadian guys in their final year of medicine) came over & introduced themselves.

Rather than making mundane “small talk”, one of the guys just blurted; “You like sweet potato, hey?!”.

He had obviously noticed my current obsession with sweet potato. Yes, I eat it most nights. Yes, I have been making excessive amounts of sweet potato chips.

My first reaction was to become highly defensive (so what, if I really, really enjoy sweet potato?!). My mind then clicked into gear and I realised…

If he had be observing my sweet potato baking habits…what else had he (and his other housemates) witnessed?

My ‘naked’ sprint into the kitchen after a shower? My rendition of Frank Ocean into the Olive Oil bottle? Emptying the dishwasher in my underwear? Had they seen all of this?

I then had a horrible flash back….

The time that I was dancing & singing half naked (to TLC, Waterfalls) in my bedroom (just for the record, it was years ago….I promise)…when the neighbour called our home phone and told my mum that ‘your daughter should shut her blinds as Westbrook Avenue is getting a free show…..”. Awkward.

I then got a 20min lecture on the importance of privacy and closing my blinds.

I believe we often take windows for granted. We day-dream out of them, when sitting at work. We look out of them to check the weather. But we often focus on the what lays beyond, rather than the window itself.

 Windows provide both a physical and visual connection between the inside and outside.  We forget how important they really are. They let light in. They contribute to the character of the home. When opened, they offer us fresh air. When closed, they keep us secure from the outside elements.

Windows also possess the ability to add to the aesthetic charm of the room and enhances the overall appeal of your home and make it look more beautiful and spacious. Without windows, we would feel isolated from the outside world. Without windows, i believe the rate of depression would definitely increase. Without windows, I also believe that more people would be late for work….(i lived in a room without windows in Boston for a year and have never slept-in more in my entire life).

Here is a roundup of some beautiful glass windows (and doors)…

window design

(Image via Style Files) 

window design

(Image via

window design

(Image via

window design

(Image via

window details

(Image via Desire to Inspire) 

window details

(Image via

window dedtails

(Image via

window design

(Image via Pinterest)

interior design window

(Image via

Ok, I am off…just about to jump into the shower…with my BLINDS CLOSED.

Enjoy the sunshine.

N x

WAS being the operative word.

And by well hung, I am ofcourse referring to a pendant light.

His pendant light was well hung…until I broke it.

I remember the whole scene like it was yesterday. I was 22 years old. It was only our second date. We decided to play ‘bowling’ on the Wii. Error Number 1. I didn’t put on the wrist strap. Error Number 2. It seemed like an unnecessary precaution at the time.

I sucked at it. The more frustrated I got…the more I started flailing my arms like one of those inflatable tube men on the high way (you know the ones…). Error Number 3. And then just like that IT happened….time slowed down…and as I went in for the bowl…I accidentally let go of my controller. It flung into the air, hitting the pendant light and smashing it to pieces on the floor.


So awkward.

I just stood there in shock. He just turned to me and said “You need to replace it by 10am tomorrow”.  $450 later…it officially became the most expensive date I have ever been on.

Needless to say there was never a third date.

During Sydney Indesign last week, I saw lots of gorgeous pendant lights and for some reason it sparked the memory of this disastrous date (one amongst many!).

Open up any interior design magazine and you will immediately notice the common application of pendant lights within the interior space. Pendant lights balance the functional with the aesthetic. More specifically, lighting designers are commonly blurring the boundaries between lighting and art. With the experimentation of various materials, shapes and types of light sources, many pendant lights transcend the function of illumination to also be viewed as a display of sculptural art.

In the last few years, pendant lights have become a popular source of lighting within the living and dining areas of the home, as they tend to draw attention to specific details. Dimmers can also be added to allow control over lighting levels.

I know I have already written about pendant lights on this blog before (Check it out here) or check out my article on Net-a-Shopper here. But here is another round up of inspiring pendant lights…

pendant lighting

I absolutely love Marz designs – check out their website below.

(Image via Marz Designs) 

pendant light

((Image via Palookaville)

pendant lights

(Image via

pendant lighting

(Image via User Deck) 

pendant light

(Image via

pendant lighting

(Image via Evasabbado)

lighting design

(Image via David Derksen) 

pendant lighting

(Image via

Hope you enjoyed some of that light inspiration!

OK, I am off to bed…Lights Out!

N x




For the last 3 days I have been getting absolutely SID faced.

No it is not a spelling error – SID is the abbreviation for the Sydney’s number one design event “Sydney Indesign” (This event is created/run by Indesign Group – the company I work for).

Although….admittedly, every night last week I was also getting quite sh*t faced too. Don’t judge…we had reason to celebrate!

nikita sheth

It has taken over a year to organise this event. Like when organising most big events, there is a certain void when it is comes to an end (although I think my liver and voice box are celebrating it is over).

Check out the website here:

How it works:

– The event was over 3 days.

– 6 different precincts around Sydney open up their showrooms. Buses take participants around to all the different showrooms.

– The Galleria (see below)

Whilst the event has been going for over 10 years. This year we decided that it was time to evolve. Drawing inspiration from Milan Fair, we introduced the “Galleria” – a gorgeous industrial warehouse at Australian Technology Park.

We aimed to step away from the whole ‘tradeshow’ concept and use this 3000 sqm to encourage to create an experiential space. We encouraged suppliers to encourage people to engage with their brands rather than their products. We encouraged creativity and collaboration. We wanted attendees to walk away feeling inspired, rather than with a catalogue.

It was an opportunity for exhibitors to showcase to the industry what they are all about – their personality, culture and energy – and gives our audience of architects, interiors designers and creatives the opportunity to discover new design, build their industry knowledge and develop meaningful relationships. It’s about educating, networking, socialising and exchanging ideas.

The result…..was truly unique. A complete visual feast. Your eyes couldn’t help but darting around the space – up to the ceiling down to the ground.

I met lots of inspiring people. I saw lots of truly innovative products. I couldn’t take the smile off my face (EXCEPT when I stacked it down the skateboard ramp (with a wine in hand) created by Mafi, a flooring company – SO embarrassing and I have a nice bruise on my elbow as a memento).

I feel so lucky to have been a part of Sydney Indesign. It was 100% a team effort and I admittedly am a little shocked that we managed to pull it off!).

Highlights; Special Sydney Indesign inspired Gelato Messina (by Designer Rugs), Indigenous dancing (by Tapetti Rugs), Educational Discussion Series (My favourite was; ‘Adaptive Reuse – Is the Old New New?’ involving Tim Ross), Beer Pong (at Blu Dot), a delicious lunch (by Coco Republic & Smeg)….and SO much more…

If you are interested keep your eye out for all the news on and

Indesign event will be in Melbourne next year & it is free to register so keep your eye out…

Last night was our after party, it involved a lot of pizza and a little too many glasses of wine. We all definitely let our hair down…we deserved to ‘treat ourselves’!

Here is my roundup of the event…

sydney indesign


Bump in day…(on a side note: So many hot men constructing ‘things’…definitely made the day a little easier!)

sydney indesign


I never want to see a cardboard box again. Yes, we had to construct 800 of them for the Habitus lounge ‘feature wall’ #nobudget.

sydney indesign


The outside of The Galleria!

sydney indesign


Birds eye view of the Kezu showroom – such a stunning set up.



Nikita to All…I suck at this walkie talkie thing. Copy that. Over.

sydney indesign


Gorgeous umbrellas by Basil Bangs.


sydney indesign


Yes…this is the one I stacked it down.

sydney indesign




I am absolutely shattered. It’s only 8:19pm…but I think it is time for bed.

nikita sheth

Over & out.

N x

I don’t watch a lot of television. I never really have.

Even as a child, I was more interested in cheorgraphing interpretative dances routines in my room than watching TV (ok, fine I may still enjoy doing that time to time…).

I lack focus when watching TV. I find it hard to focus. My mind tends to wander and unless the plot is straightforward, I often find it hard to follow (I promise i am not stupidI just lack TV IQ. Yes, I am one of those annoying ‘question-people’…”Wait, did he just come back to life?”, “Isn’t that her baby daddy?”…and so it goes on…)

I am also those rare individuals who dislike cartoons. The Simpsons. South Park. Family Guy. I can’t stand them. Don’t judge me.  I just prefer watching ‘real people’.

Despite my impartial relationship to TV, there are a small handful of shows that I absolutely love. One of which is the Australian-drama “Offspring”.  I identify with so many facets of the show and especially the main protagonist Nina (thirty-something played by Asher Keddie) – her slightly crazy (in a good way!) family, the way she is a bit of a ‘battler’ when it comes to love, her continual slightly neurotic internal self dialogue …it all seems a little too relevant to my own life! I believe there is a ‘little’ bit of Nina in all of us women …

You laugh. You cry. You cringe. You have to watch Offspring…if you haven’t already ( i promise, I don’t work for Channel 10).

Listen here for an amazing podcast with Debra Oswald (writer of Offspring)

One thing I especially love about the show is the design and sense of style that is interwoven through out each episode – from Nina’s iconic boho style to her uber-cool apartment, there is a distinct sense of style that is interwoven throughout the show. All of which seems so effortless and natural.

It is no wonder that these websites dedicated to cataloguing the shows design style have emerged. Check these links below:

For the interior:

* * *

You couldn’t have missed it. Even if you don’t watch Offspring, you would have to be hiding under a rock to have missed the news that…..Patrick passed away on Wednesday night. It made the papers. It had women everywhere reaching for the tissues. It had me speechless.  After the episode had finished – I just sat there in silence. Tears streaming down my face. Texting my sisters and mum for comfort…see below…HILARIOUS (even my dad gets involved!)



nikita shethnikita shethnikita sheth


On my walk to work on Thursday morning, I honestly felt so sad.  I kept replaying the scene over and over in my head. Wondering how it could have been different. Wondering how Nina would give birth to their baby without him by her side. Wondering whether she would ever find love again. Through out the day I experienced through the stages of grief – I honestly felt angry, confused and in shock.

Admittedly, I have been known to cry in episodes of the Bold & Beautiful, Home & Away and even Masterchef.

But, it made me realise the emotionally investment you can project onto television characters. It made me realise how the medium of television can merge the lines between real life and fantasy. And it honestly made me realise the sheer power of television.

Television is a personal and very intimate medium. In a way we invite these characters into our lives (and homes) every week. I guess, it makes sense that we get so attached to them as we watch them grow.  In one way I believe television can offer a mode of escape, but I also believe it also rationalises and mirrors so many facets of our lives too; the struggle, the heartbreak, the successes….

It also made me realise the way in which the television as physical entity impacts the space in which it is placed. A seamless integration of the television/entertainment is important as it needs to be positioned so that it is simultaneously function yet doesn’t aesthetically dominate the space.

Whilst, TVs are not as bulky as they used to be, screens are getting bigger and bigger, therefore it is important ensure they are not the focal point (unless of course you want that!). Power outlets, the height of the screen and the design of the entertainment unit are factors that must be carefully considered.

See below for a roundup of some TV inspirational spaces…

tv interior design

(Image via

interior design tv

(Image via Houzz)

interior design

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interior design

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interior design

(Image via

interiore design

(Via Pinterest)

interior design

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interior design

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retro tv

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interior design

(Image via

Ok, it is Sunday night…i’m going to try and watch some TV!

N x